Frequently Asked Questions
How do I arrange a tour?
Please call (403) 256-4641 for Father Lacombe Care Centre or (587) 393-1350 for Providence Care Centre.
How many people do you care for?
There are 114 residents in Father Lacombe Care Centre and an additional 160 residents in Providence Care Centre. There are approximately 85 additional people from the community participating in our Adult Day Program.
Are all your residents and clients Catholic?
Although both homes are owned by the Sisters of Providence therefore hold Catholic values, the care is inclusive and non-denominational. At any given time, about 30-35% of the residents are Catholic. Our core values of excellence, compassion, justice, spirituality and sacredness of life are inherent in our care for everyone. Father Lacombe Care Society is the oldest Catholic continuing care organization in Calgary.
Why do you fundraise? Doesn't the government pay for everything?
Alberta Health Services funds medical service and some capital costs at accredited care centres. Residents pay “hospitality” or accommodation costs. Most capital costs such as construction, care equipment and operating systems require additional funding through the generosity of donors. Programs that help to keep brains active and bodies moving also seek funding from our generous community; such programs as music, outings, gardening and entertainment.
How are operations different in a non-profit facility?
Registered charitable organizations like Father Lacombe Care Society can seek capital funding through donations rather than additional fees, and can channel extra income directly to resident and client care – there is no shareholder.
What are some examples of non-funded capital costs?
Overhead lifts are required to move residents safely between their bed and their wheelchair. Other needs include specialized beds and mattresses, bathtubs and shower chairs and physical therapy equipment.